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Recognising Membership Issues

Every club wants to recruit new members. In managing any membership base there are some key points to remember:

Extension vs Retention

Extension without retention is counter-productive. Retention without extension represents stagnation. The processes of extension and retention which operate within the Club, are two halves of the WHOLE concept of growth.

Getting the balance right

There is a dedicate balance between the need to nurture and develop new members, once recruited and the need to satisfy the long term development of senior members. Always remember our research tells us that "68% of members leave because the people they deal with are indifferent to their needs."

Nourishing new members

Toastmasters presents to the would-be member a non-threatening environment in which to build communication and leadership skills. In the cast majority of cases, new members have, at best, a vague idea of their educational needs. Successful Clubs make sure there is a well planned program in place to ensure these people gain maximum benefit from Toastmasters development programs. Mentoring, evaluation and regular participation are basic requirements.

Engergising existing members

For established members, the Club program must challenge them to achieve, especially those pursuing the various Advanced programs. Club Officership is also an excellent retention tool. Officers develop an affinity with the organisation and an understanding of the benefits.

Combining the old and the new

The most effective means of combining the needs of new and existing members is through a Club Mentor Program.

Source: DTM Ted Corcoran, 3rd Vice President (with permission)

08 October 2000
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