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Discovering the Magic of Mentoring

In Toastmasters, friends help friends succeed. What better way to help your club by promoting the mentoring program.

A mentor program can be beneficial to your club, providing guidance to new or less experienced members. As a mentor, you can share your knowledge, skills and experience, and revel in the satisfaction of having helped someone improve. Your words of encouragement will send new members soaring, and feelings of camaderie in your club will grow.

The following items from the Supply Catalog can help you start your club's mentor program:

The Successful Club Series

296 Mentoring - This program defines mentoring, explains the benefits and discusses the responsibilities of mentors. It includes a script, 11 overhead tranparencies and the Club Mentor Program Kit (Catalog No.1163). Cost: US$14.95

296-A - Script only, Cost: US$2.95

Club Mentor Program

1163 Club Mentor Program Kit - This package includes: instructions, 20 Mentor Interest Surveys (Catalog No. 1163-A), 20 Mentee Assginment Notices (Catalog No. 1163-B), 20 Mentor Assignment Notices (Catalog No. 1163-C) and one sample Mentor Certificate (Catalog No. 1163-D). Cost: US$7.95

1163-A Mentor Interest Survey - This helps you find out who in your club wants the assistance of a mentor and who wants to serves as a mentor. Pad of 20. Cost: US$1.25

1163-B Mentee Assignment Notices - This notifies mentees of their mentors. Includes description of responsibilities. Pad of 20. Cost: US$1.25

1163-C Mentor Assignment Notices - This notifies mentors of their mentees. Includes description of responsibilities. Pad of 20. Cost: US$1.25

1163-D Mentor Certificate - For presentation to mentors. Cost: US$0.30

03 September 2000
Other News:
Speech Writing Tips
Recognising Membership Issues
New Successful Club Series
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